Meet Rachael
the intention and lead energy behind
True Earth Yoga
Others will ask, "How are you always so calm?" and, "Seriously, how are you never stressed?" Someone recently said I have "an old soul in a young person." Well friend, here is the journey that has shaped me...
Coaching and supporting comes naturally to me. At 17 years old, I realized I had an incredible gift to build relationships and help others shift their unhelpful perspectives. I vividly remember being in high school and using my study hall hour to mentor a 7th grader who the counselor had given up on. I listened, we reflected, she grew through a challenging time.
My bachelor's degree in psychology and communications allowed me to explore and research human behavior and positive psychology. As my college's student body president, I spread awareness for mental health.
I've dedicated my career to supporting others in their mental health, addiction recovery, as well as survivors seeking safety from domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking.
My spark for coaching started when I coordinated an education and employment department at a women's and children's emergency shelter. It was life changing. In those two years, I had the opportunity to empower women in their economic development and self esteem. We learned from each other. I am forever grateful to each woman I supported during that time for allowing me to grow alongside her.
So while I do have extensive training and knowledge in psychology, human services and yoga... more importantly, I have the heart and soul of a supporter. I am an authentic uplifter who sees and hears the real, true, worthy YOU.
I have a feeling you're not reading this to learn about how I've been trained and what I've studied... you're here learning about ME. When you learn what and who I'm passionate about, you can either see us working together or not. I will never claim to be the coach for everybody because I so love working with and supporting my people.
I guide people who have lost their sense of self to realign with their passions and purpose so they can make the most of their everyday lives. I provide a roadmap to love and accept themselves as they currently are on their path toward MeaningFULL Living.